Types of gifts you can leave to Holsworthy Rural Community Transport

Choosing to include Holsworthy Rural Community Transport in your will is a wonderful way to celebrate the benefit you have received from our services, to help keep the service running and to share the benefits of reliable and affordable travel with future generations.

You don’t have to tell us if you leave us a gift in your will, but if you do choose to tell us, then we’d love the opportunity to thank you.

If you would like to find out more about how you can remember us, please get in touch on 01409 259001.

A straightforward gift for general purposes

Most of the gifts we receive are for general purposes, allowing us to use the funds where they are needed most.

Residuary gift

This is a gift of all or part of your estate, once all your other commitments have been settled.

Pecuniary gift

This is a specified sum of money. To ensure that it keeps value over the years, you can ask your solicitor to make it index-linked.

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